Friday, June 1, 2012

Renowned Clothing Interview

Clothing Line Name: Renowned Clothing
Established: 2011

Tell us about your brand. What’s the name? How did it come to be?
The name of my brand is Renowned Clothing. It cam about in High School when I used to walk around the halls saying I was famous and that idea just stuck with me.
How would you describe the style of your brand? Who do you see wearing it?
I define my brand as streetwear luxury, which means that we only use exceptional garments and use only A1 designs and graphics. Honestly, I could see my brand being worn by Kanye West and people of that nature. I feel like it has the high-end appeal with a touch of streetwear.
Everyone today seems to have a clothing line; how do you make yours better or stand out more than others?
By actually offering the people something that haven’t had before. We like to go over the top when it comes to our brand so we like to go beyond what is expected from a typical clothing line. We are completely dedicated to what we do and we believe in the art that we make.
Since the start of your clothing line, what has been your favorite piece? Why?
My favorite piece has to be my logo tee, which happens to be the first tee I have ever released. The tee represented simplistic beauty, which is hard to accomplish on a shirt. We still get plenty of request for it today.
Speaking of favorite pieces, who designs the clothes and comes up with the concepts?
I have a design team who are very talented and are great at what they do. I usually come up with a concept or idea and they take my idea and put in into fruition.
What was your day to day before starting the brand? Did you always think you would do what you do now?
My day to day was actually selling clothes on ebay and attending school honestly. I never knew I was going to start my own clothing line until I sat down one day and starting drawing out designs.
What is the biggest challenge you have ran into while running a clothing brand?
The biggest challenge for me and probably most new business and getting my name out there and getting people to recognize the art that we create! It very hard being a freshman in college while running a full fledge clothing line but no complaints, I like the challenge.
What’s the best part of running a clothing line?
The best part about running a clothing line is seeing someone really appreciate what you do. A lot of work goes into a clothing line and to see someone who loves your product just makes my day. Also seeing people I don’t know wearing my gear is a plus!
What’s in the near future for your brand? Anything special coming up?
We have a couple big Renowned Clothing Sponsored concerts with some big names and just more clothes that will add variety to our brand. We plan on making jewelry in the future also!
Where can we find more about your brand?
You can Find more about Renowned Clothing at !!!! We put all information on our site including our updated blog.


  1. Hottest clothing line up and coming. Gotta stay focused

  2. Clean. Too bad everythings sold out online...

  3. Everything is instock! What Are you looking for ?^


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