Friday, February 26, 2010

Dev aka Devishot Interview

Dev aka Devishot Interview

Tell us about yourself. Whats your name? Where are you from?
-Whats goodd. Well my names devin star. I'm 20, Im portuguese & mexican, Im a small town girl, and Im a brat to sassy for your bruthaa.

What does the word "based" mean to you?
-Its very special and unique. its real. its legendary, i only use it when im speaking about someone delusion, some truly amazingly talented, and/or lil b.

How did you get into the music industry? What inspired you?
-Cyrano of The Cataracs found a small project i had up on myspace and liked my voice, i then colabd with the cataracs and now we all live together in loft in LA. I've always liked art, fashion, music, literature, self expression. Im addicted to freedom, and music gives me that. guess that rebellious need for freedom was enough inspiration? yeeeahhhh

What upcoming projects are you working on?
-A good album.

Are there any artists out there you would like to work with, but haven't got the chance yet?
-Too many, I'd like to experience a little of everyonnee

Who are your favorite artists right now?
-Santi. Mia. La Roux. Lilly. Blondie. Kurt. Em. those artists are always my favs. I go through hella phases tho

What are some things that people don't know about you?
-Umm idk im usually pretty open about shit

Whats some advice you can give the people that want to get into the music industry?
-Keep grinding. Always.

Where can people find more about you?
DeviShot Official Webiste

* But on the real just come to a show! thats the best. sometimes the online shit just aint the same

Dev newest video Fireball check it out!


  1. Dev Is Helllllaaaaa HOOOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

  2. yes devi on based update thats whats up

  3. DEV is amazing talented

    I took that top pic...check out the rest here

    Shout outs to the whole I.P. Family, yall been good to me



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