Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cassandra Walker "Based Beauties"

Cassandra Walker "Based Beauties"

Name: Cassandra Marie Walker
Nationality: German, French, English
Measurements: Chest (32) Cup (DD) Waist (25.5) Hips (33)
Website(s): Twitter, Facebook Fanpage

Tell us about yourself. What’s your name? Where are you from?
- My name is Cassandra, and I’m from New York!

How did you get involved with modeling? How long have you been doing it for?
- I actually became involved with modeling from a friend, she asked me to go along with her to a photoshoot and I realized my love for it, and it’s been a passion of mine for the past 4 years.

What is your favorite part about modeling? What is your least favorite part?
- There are a few parts I adore about modeling, I love to travel so being able to meet so many incredible people and see new places is wonderful. I also love the feelings of being able to express yourself through a simple photo and create a story, it’s a freeing feeling. My least favorite part is just not being able to always share the great experiences I have with friends and family, I’d love for them to be able to enjoy my adventures too!

What has been the highlight so far of your modeling career?
- I’d have to say one of the greatest moments of my modeling career was when I was on stage at the Playboy Mansion and had to speak in front of all the guests! It most definitely was a huge feeling of accomplishment and the best part was that some of my friends and family were there!

Being a model, and noticing what people like about you, what part of your body would you say attracts the most attention?
- Other than the usual curves that catches the eye, I’d have to say my hair. I’ve always had big long hair and I have received a lot of compliments!

If you could choose one person to have a photo shoot with, who would it be? Why?
- Honestly, there are so many people I’d love to have the opportunity to shoot with but even better, I’d LOVE to shoot with an exotic animal like a tiger or jaguar. I think it would be absolutely incredible!

If you had the option to model for any brand in the world, what brand would it be? Why?
- One of my ultimate goals is to try and reach some world known brands but if it were a dream come true, I’ve love to model for Victoria Secrets. I feel to be an Angel is a huge compliment and an ultimate modeling dream.

What is something that people don’t know about you?
- I actually have a passion for art, I love to draw, and I think quite well.

What is the worst and best thing anybody has tried to do to get your attention?
- The worst thing someone has done to get my attention would have to be a guy that I hadn’t talked to and refused to talk to told me our mutual friend had passed away and come to find out he was alive and happy. The best thing anyone has done was my ex-boyfriend had bought me my own star in the sky, ironically my star is in the constellation of Cassiopeia!

What do you think of the word “based” and what it represents?
- I think it should define everyone there will always be someone who doesn’t agree with what you do, what you love, and where you want to be but the true happiness in life, is being happy with yourself.

What words of advice would you give to all the young girls out there aspiring to be models?
- If your heart is in it, you can accomplish anything you dream of and all the road bumps along the way, will only make you stronger and you will feel that much more successful when you’ve reached your dreams. Never give up!

Where can we find and learn more about you?
- I have a Fan page on Facebook that I’m very proud of and I’m always updating, working on having my own website soon!

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