Sunday, April 1, 2012

Elizabeth Perry "Based Beauties"

Name: Elizabeth Perry
Nationality: Caucasian
Measurements: 34. 24. 34.

Tell us about yourself. What’s your name? Where are you from?
My name is Elizabeth Perry; I’m from a small town in MD named Benedict.

How did you get involved with modeling? How long have you been doing it for?
I started modeling last year, sort of on a whim, I was given an opportunity to try and fell absolutely in love with the idea of it. Since then, its become a passion of mine.

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What is your favorite part about modeling? What is your least favorite part?
My favorite part is the clothes (or shoes, tough call). I love dressing up as someone I’m not. I really hate driving to the shoots, its usually over an hour away plus traffic.

What has been the highlight so far of your modeling career?
Definitely making top sixteen in the country for Playboy Intimates Lingerie. It was my first big win in a competition and a taste of what the career is all about. Plus I made amazing friends, and got to see a Tiffany’s & Co for the first time!

Being a model, and noticing what people like about you, what part of your body would you say attracts the most attention?
I would say to photographers, my figure, I’m tall and skinny, but to my fans, definitely my face.

If you could choose one person to have a photo shoot with, who would it be? Why?
Audrey Hepburn, she is so classy and just all around amazing. Not to mention I may or may not have a small obsession with her… (:

If you had the option to model for any brand in the world, what brand would it be? Why?
Christian Louboutin. I would die for a pair of those shoes.

What is the worst and best thing anybody has tried to do to get your attention?
The worst thing anyone has ever done to try and get my attention was in first grade. A guy tripped me when we were playing tag and I skinned my knee, now I have a nasty scar and a constant reminder of what a douche that guy was. The best thing anyone has done was sending me roses randomly while they were at school and I was at home. Its super cute!

What do you think of the word “based” and what it represents?
Its actually a funny story because I have a close-knit group of friends who actually use the term based. As for the representation on this website, I am fully supportive. I think it is a great lifestyle and can bring change to society. At least the younger generation.

What words of advice would you give to all the young girls out there aspiring to be models?
Do it and don’t give up, ever.

Where can we find and learn more about you?
Twitter, Facebook& Model Mayhem

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