Thursday, July 24, 2014

#MattsMovieMania Enemy

A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie.

Adam Bell is a glum, disheveled history professor, who seems disinterested even in his beautiful girlfriend Mary. Watching a movie on the recommendation of a colleague, Adam spots his double, a bit-part actor named Anthony Clair, and decides to track him down. The identical men meet and their lives become bizarrely and irrevocably intertwined. Gyllenhaal is transfixing as both Adam and Anthony, provoking empathy as well as disapproval while embodying two distinct personas.

Let me just go in and say that this week I have watched some out of this world movies. This movie you will either love or hate. No answers are really given, there are a lot of mind twisting ideas and concepts that you will miss if you blink. I literally watched the last 15 minutes over again so I could have a better idea as to what I thought the ending meant. For some weird reason, it leaves you confused in a way where you want to watch it again just to understand it.

"This is a weird, psychological sexual thriller clearly designed to get a rise out of audiences. It's also pretty damn engrossing." -Richard Roeper

"Denis Villeneuve's shared dream of a film takes the simple premise of a man glimpsing his doppelganger while watching a movie and mines every bit of tension and oddity from it - there's hardly a scene that doesn't exude menace." -Michael Nordine

If this is the first time you have read this feature, catch up on everything you need to know about these reviews HERE! Make sure you stay tuned because there is a lot more where this came from!

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