Friday, July 15, 2011

Jerm Jilla Interview

Jerm Jilla Interview

Tell us about what you do, what is it and how did it start?
-Its a necklace that I hand make by sculpting and Painting and Its Called ClayCandy

Who have you created clay candy pieces for? Anyone you would like to make one for in particular that dosen't have one?
-I've made them for a lot of Artists and athletes such as Wiz, Spitta, Mac Miller, BasedGod, Soulja Boy, Brandon Jennigs, Durrelle Revis and I can go on forever .

Since the start of creating clay candy pieces, what has been your favorite piece? Why?
-I really like the BomBay bottle i made Wiz cus he wore it in XXL magazine. Also one I made of my face thats the same size as my head.

You also have a clothing line "Jet Lag," there are millions of clothing lines in the world, what makes yours stand out?
-The people that wear the brand are big name celebs my brand has only 3 releases and has a pretty good rep and promo.

How would you describe the style of Jet Lag clothing?
-Urban style that is comfortable and simple.

Anything special clay candy or your clothing line has in the future that you want to share?
-Just stay awake and look forward to seeing me a lot.

You have brought a new trend to the game with these custom made clay candy pieces. Has it brought haters or people trying to copy and claim your craft?
-Yes it has its haters because I'm doing sumthing that many people wish to do. I get to do business with these peoples favorite rappers and athletes and people think if I can do it so can they. But i also have way more fans then haters so I'm happy.

Where can we find out more about the line and chains? Where can we get a custom made chain and some gear?
-YouTube Jerm Jilla and watch my Day In The Life series featuring all the people I named earlier.

Where can we hit you up at?
-@Jerm_Jilla or @R54photography to make a chain order through Twitter.

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