Thursday, July 14, 2011

Masked Clothing Interview

Masked Clothing Interview

Tell us about the line, What is it and how did it start?
-Masked is a conceptual lifestyle brand based on people getting sick of being Masked from the truth and held back from what they really want to do in life. Being tired of the rules and rebellion. It’s like the underdogs finally getting their shinning moment. Masked actually started while I was designing a shirt for Modern Mischief. As I was designing I just had an epic thunderstorm in my mindand concepts where developed. I think my eyes got really wide too. I might have also made some kind of “WOO” sound.

How would you describe the style of your brand?
-Street-rock… Urban-goth is probablywhat it should be filed under. It’s like if DMX dated Courtney Love… and they had a child names Pierre. No that just took it too far.What type of people wear Masked Clothing?
-Really awesome people… Me, my Mom Olga, Young L, Lil B, Lost prophets, Jeffree Star, Random Celebs and Bands. If that’s what you meant. If not then just really awesome people wear Masked. There are millions of clothing lines in the world, what makes yours stand out?
-Besides the fact that we are like the Lamborghini of clothes and most new brand these days are Hyundais. I only design for my own companies, so one really big factor that stands out is you can’t get any of my artwork unless it’s my brand or I am partnered in it. Masked really portrays my simplistic yet thoroughly thought out and side.

Since the start of this clothing line, what has been your favorite piece? Why?
-The “Knife Life” Tank. It’s just classic, yet edgy. Every time I wear it girls swoon all over me, so obviously that’s a huge plus. FACT!
Masked Clothing is just one of you few clothing lines, where would you like to see this line in 5 years?
-Yeah I keep popping out new lines every second. I have too many ideas, but maybe there’s never too many ideas. I’d like to see Masked as huge as possible. Brad Pitt rockin’ it or Rosie O’Donnel that would def be crazy. That’s like next level people wearing my stuff. It’s really an honor to see anyone wearing it though.

Anything special the clothing line has in the future that you want to share?
-I usually keep everything underwraps, so there isn’t much I can reveal. Hints and secrets may come out through Twitter within the months though.

With what you have learned with putting together a line, what advice would you give people that want to start their own?

-I learned the whole business just through friends, ex girlfriends… trial and error. You just gotta get out there and do it! I never went to school… EVER! Actually I did all the high school stuff whenever I’d show up. Stay in school kids! Advice would be don’t do it unless you do it because it is your passion. Don’t do it unless you are spitting out something original and completely new. Too many copycats out there. Don’t do it unless you are ready to make this your life because there isn’t a moment where you aren't living your brand.

Where can we find out more about Masked Clothing? Where can we buy your clothes!?
Official Website
Bori's Twitter

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